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Lori Kate Lowenhar, International Speaker and Musician

Heart to heart

Psalm 31:24 "Be strong and take heart, all you who hope in the Lord."

Ministry opportunity with Lori Kate

Heart to Heart - Bringing People Together

Lori on flute.jpeg

New Article published
Lori Ann Wood

"If  someone had asked me after graduating from university whether I would consider living in a foreign country, my immediate and definitive answer would have been “NO!” 

Little did I know the journey God was preparing me for! Growing up in Northern Indiana with a Jewish father and a Gentile mother made for an interesting experience.


I fondly remember going to my Babushka (grandmother) for a kosher Shabbat dinner on Friday and then attending church with my other grandparents on Sunday.


At eight years old, I invited Yeshua (Jesus) into my heart, recognizing Him as the Jewish Messiah who could save me and fill the void in my heart — that pivotal moment marked the beginning of my spiritual journey, which continues to unfold in incredible ways every day.

Music also played a vital role in my family’s life during my childhood. My younger sister and I learned to play instruments at home and in school; I studied the clarinet and piano. As I achieved each musical milestone, my love for music grew stronger. This passion ultimately led me to pursue a degree in music education at Cedarville University, with the goal of inspiring and teaching the next generation of musicians.

After graduating from university, I spent two years traveling with “The Liberated Wailing Wall,” a musical mobile evangelistic team. My parents had always encouraged me to travel the world before settling down, and those years of music and evangelistic training were a season of preparation for what was to come: living in a foreign country, speaking a different language, and raising a family in Israel, God’s Holy Land.

I made my first trip to Israel in December 1996 and felt an immediate and profound connection to the Land during my three-month stay. This connection continued to grow even after I returned home, and by my third trip, I knew Israel would be my permanent home. In 1998, I took a giant leap of faith and moved across the world, solidifying my commitment by becoming an Israeli citizen and getting married! However, absorbing into the “Land of Milk and Honey” was not a smooth transition. I faced many challenges and experienced a significant culture shock. Nonetheless, relying on the strength of the Lord proved to be the driving force that kept me going. In the early years of my life in Israel, I lived in the North, close to the Lebanese border, where we regularly heard rocket explosions. I was eight months pregnant with my firstborn when the Israeli army pulled out of Lebanon, and I remember how terrifying it was to run to the bomb shelter down the road when the sirens went off.


In 2006, I was a single mother with two young sons when we had to flee the Galilee during another war. Overwhelmed with fear, I was brought to my knees and experienced the Lord’s provision as He sheltered us with His wings and provided safe refuge in Netanya until the war’s end.

Though Israel faces regular attacks, we have a God who is mightier than anything and anyone! Knowing God is in control has allowed me to let go of fear and become devoted to sharing accurate news from Israel so those watching from afar can understand what is really going on in the Holy Land, despite what news outlets broadcast. By allowing the Lord to establish the work of my hands, my life in Israel has blossomed!

Beyond being a full-time wife to my husband Ilan and mother to our blended family, I am a sought-after music teacher in the Jezreel Valley and a member of the international music ministry, One Lev (One Heart), which Ilan and I founded in 2016.


Living in Israel is an undeniable privilege, and I am incredibly grateful for the countless blessings the Lord has bestowed upon me here. As a result, I am eager to share what the Lord is doing in my life and in the Holy Land. Whether through music or speaking, my goal is to spread God's love and help people deepen their connection to God! I am in the States often to visit my family and speak in women’s groups, conferences or events to encourage and inspire women to dream big, hope unashamedly, seek God fervently, and desire His input in all aspects of their lives.

A few personal words:


"Lori Kate has ministered in our local church over the past several years. We have always found her ministry inspirational and timely. Lori Kate always brings us the up-to-date news of the happenings in Israel. She is personable and relatable and always seems to enjoy interacting with our people. I can wholeheartedly endorse Lori Kate. She has not only provided us with quality and Biblical ministry but has become a trusted and cherished friend." 

Janie Ballenger, Selma, Indiana


"Lori Kate has lived in Israel for 25 plus years. She brings an amazing presentation of real life Israel through music, video/pictures, and sharing her testimony.  She inspired me through her personal stories and struggles of living life in the Holy Land. Her various experiences empowered me to deepen my relationship with God. I highly recommend having Lori Kate come minister to your church." 

Holli Tyran, Edwardsburg, Michigan


"Lori Kate encourages me with her beautiful, uplifting Israeli music. She has a desire to see people come to their Messiah as well as strengthen the body of believers.  By her sharing current information about Israel, I know how to better pray for them."  Barbara Hopkins, Muncie, Indiana


"The women at Bellevue Heights Church in Sun City, AZ were inspired and encouraged by Lori Kate Lowenhar's presentation on Israel. Her life's challenges and experiences gave us insight about the culture, the belief systems and lifestyles in Israel. Your church will be blessed with her ministry."

Beth Eppley, Leader BHC Women's Ministry

If you are interested in having a dynamic and engaging speaker at your next event, please contact Lori Kate at to schedule a speaking opportunity.

Let’s ignite a fire of faith and passion for God.

Seeing women empowered and strengthened by the love and hope of our Savior Yeshua brings me incredible joy!

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